Heesoo's Very Tenth Web Blog/

March 28, 2021

Gluten free diet has solved my chronic bloating and migraines. My blood test for celiac weeks ago also came negative. I was super happy to just fix this problem by eating healthy – I even promised myself that I would start eating more vegetables in my every day life. I actually been doing really well with that. Although the taste isn’t enjoyable, the results they give me is worth it. BUT a couple days ago, my doctor called me to deliver an unpleasant news. He wanted me to redo the blood test for celiac… which I’m fine with doing but it requires me to consume gluten everyday for 3 weeks… I mean another 21 days of feeling like throwing up randomly and not being able to wear pants??? I hesitated to take the offer but I decided to do it one last time for a couple of reasons:

      1. I always couldn’t believe how everyone told me leggings are comfy. I mean they were but once I ate, I always felt like throwing up due to the pressure leggings had on my stomach. I thought that this was became of my lack of strong ab muscles causing my stomach to expand right after I ate LOL Well apparently it’s called bloating and I don’t know why it never occurred to me. But anyways, not being bloated improves the quality of my life.

      2. Celiac is an autoimmune disease so it’s pretty serious. Basically what it is that people with celiac can’t eat gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, etc. If they consume it, then their immune system will respond by creating an inflammation which permanently damages the small intestine’s lining. This not only damages the gut but prevents absorption of some nutrients and cause organ damage over time. So If I do have Celiac, I can’t even have gluten as a cheat day meal. So it’s probably better to just suffer 3 more weeks and find out what the problem is.

      3. I became lactose intolerant at the end of last semester. I could consume lactose-containing products just fine growing up and lactose intolerance could be a side-effect of being gluten-intolerant or celiac. The blood test will let me know if I can have some hope of being able to consume lactose without any problems for the rest of my life.

      4. Last reason is that I just like knowing what’s happening in my body lol I like examining my blood test results and connecting it back to the knowledges I gained over the years of assisting in research.